For more information on hall hire please contact the Church Office on 020 8891 6820 or email in**@al************.uk

  • Hire charge periods are per whole hour.
  • Please allow time for setting-up and clearing-up (normally ½ hour either side, which is chargeable)
  • For non-regular bookings, a refundable deposit is required and payment is required in advance.
  • For regular bookings invoices will be sent at the end of the month and should be paid promptly.
  • These rates will be reviewed on a regular basis and may be subject to change.

Small Hall

Dimensions: 5.48m x 8.92m
Rate: £27.30 per hour

Main Hall

Dimensions: 14.32m x 10.17m
Rate: £32 per hour


Photo 10-08-2016, 09 42 49Dimensions: 5.7m x 8.5m
Rate: £27.30 per hour

(Limited availability since used most afternoons, evenings and Saturdays by Twickenham Academy dance school).