
We run fortnightly groups for all Young People from school years 7 to 13.

Yr 7 – 11

Sunday Mornings

There is a group for young people that runs fortnightly on a Sunday morning during the 10am service for anyone in school years 7-11.

Sunday Evenings

Food & drink, fun & games, a chance to chat and connect. Runs fortnightly after Youth Alpha.

Yr 11 – 13

Food and a chance to chat and reflect on a bible theme or current issue.

Youth Alpha

New for the Spring Term

Youth Alpha meets weekly on Sundays at 5.30.

We start each week with food. There is time to think and chat about some of the big questions of faith and life, through videos and games, including: Who is Jesus? What does real love look like? Why would I want a relationship with God?

Come and join the conversation.

Our Youth Minister Debbie Cryan, leads these groups along with a team of volunteers.

You can get in touch with her here : de*********@al************.uk